
CDS Class Gifts

Class gifts are a wonderful tradition that allows CDS’ graduating classes to make a positive impact on the future of our students. 
Each year, the eighth-grade class presents a gift to the school upon graduation. The gift is a symbol of the class' gratitude to the school and commitment to the future generations of CDS students. 

This year’s Class of 2024 Gift is a special one with a tangible legacy: the purchase of new CDS sheep and intentional contribution towards the CDS Endowment. 

We all know how special sheep are to the CDS community, along with our farm and garden program, which provides a model of environmental stewardship. We’re excited to strengthen students' connection to the natural world by caring for the farm animals and the environment they live in. After construction of the new ECP center is complete, the school will welcome two lambs to the 333 campus who will enjoy the renovated farm features from last year’s class gift!  

Beyond these soon-to-be-beloved sheep, we’re at a crucial point in the school’s history to ensure financial stability for years to come. Part of the proceeds of the class gift will directly support the CDS endowment for mission-driven resilience. A prudent, vital endowment means we can remain true to our mission and values even in the face of unforeseen challenges like those of the last few years.

Our goal is to reach 100% participation from the graduating class parents in support of the sheep and endowment. To make a gift, you can donate online, send in a check payable to Children’s Day School, or contact Director of Advancement, Jeanna Yoo at 415-861-5432 x323 or for more information.

The 2024 Class Gift Committee:
Chris Ach
John Kelly
Adam London
Eric Lopez
Ocean MacAdams
Jim McFadden
Ted Nordstrom
Ben Rosenfield
Craig Solomon
Andy Taylor
Martel Toler
Charles Zedlewski

Past Class Gifts

Class of 2023 Gift: Farm and Garden Refurbishments
The Class of 2023 purchased farm updates that will be made in the summer before the grand opening of the new 333 Campus ECP center. The Class of 2023 helped the school add the following elements: a new or remodeled sheep house with lighting, a drinking trough, a concrete pad to protect the animals from mud, and a dedicated food storage shed for the hay and alfalfa.

Class of 2022: Ceramic Kiln, Ongoing Costs and Supplies at 601
The Class of 2022 purchased a ceramic kiln to live at our 601 campus and also provided additional funds for CDS’ art program. Additionally, the class of 2022 helped the school purchase kiln furniture, shelving, and art supplies such as clay, glaze, and tools. The gift aligned with the class’ abundant creativity and artistic talent.

Class of 2021: Student Lounge Redesign & Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship

For the 2021 class gift, the eighth-grade class contributed to the redesign of the Student Lounge at the 601 Dolores Campus. The versatile setup will provide breakout classroom space and quiet nooks for studying to meet the diverse needs of the students throughout the day. The Class of 2021 will also continue with the tradition and commitment of growing our endowment for sliding scale.

Class of 2020: Hand-washing Stations & Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship 

The Class of 2020 used their class gift to purchase and install hand-washing stations for the yard at 333 Dolores and the roof deck and lobby at 601. These sinks enable students to practice good hygiene before class and lunch and during play. The Class of 2020 also continued the tradition of contributing to the CDS Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship, which enables CDS to continue growing our endowment dedicated to sliding scale scholarships. 

Class of 2019 Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship

The Class of 2019 continued the tradition of contributing to the CDS Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship, which enables CDS to continue to grow our endowment dedicated to sliding scale scholarships. This bolstered our long-term stability and ongoing commitment to socio-economic diversity.  

Sowing the Seeds: Class of 2018 Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship

The Class of 2018 launched the CDS Endowment for Sliding Scale Scholarship, which created a lasting tribute that enables CDS to continue to grow this endowment dedicated to sliding scale scholarships. In addition, the Class of 2018 sowed actual seeds on the CDS campus. Students and families contributed needed seeds, plants, and equipment to the Farm & Garden program. A Meyer lemon tree  was planted at 601 Dolores' rooftop garden to commemorate the Class of 2018 gift.

Class of 2017: Gratitude Gift for Kirk Bell

For their 2017 class gift, the eighth grade class honored beloved middle school science teacher Kirk Bell with a 10-Panel Solar Array and Weather Station to commemorate his retirement after 12 years at CDS. Kirk has always wanted a weather station and solar panels for 601 Dolores; we raised funding for the project from families and friends of the Class of 2017 with 100% participation from class parents to fund this ambitious, lofty project and make Kirk’s vision a reality. Alumni families and members of the greater CDS community whose lives Kirk has touched also participated in this initiative.

Class of 2016

The class of 2016 generously presented CDS with a gift of movable risers for the stage in Founders’ Hall. This purchase will enhance our many performances in Founders’ Hall, including Grandparents and Special Friends Day, the winter performances, and so much more! We are grateful to those families for their contributions towards this gift.
Children's Day School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  Learn More